•Always read the fine print on the contract. You may be signing an indemnity clause in favor of the contract guard agency.
•Always ask for a copy of their guard company license, and evidence of insurance coverage.
•Request to be named as an "additionally insured" on their policy and indemnity from their negligent acts.
•Always attach the detailed post-orders and patrol instructions as a contract addendum.
•Always require that detailed written activity logs be submitted following the last patrol. Read them, act upon them, and file them for at least two years. Do not accept or pay for incomplete service.
•Always require, in writing, that the security guard agency properly equip their officers with a full uniform, a hand-held radio or cell phone, a notebook and pen, a flashlight, and a vehicle if necessary.
•Always require, in writing, that the contract agency will provide necessary background screening, and all training that is suitable for the site to be patrolled.
•Always supply the security guards with an emergency call list and telephone access.
•Always notify the residents how to the contact security guards when needed.
•Communicate often with the security guard supervisors to get higher quality and service.
•Do not settle or pay for poor performance or inappropriate behavior.
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